Create and Edit Filters

You can only edit filters that you have previously created.

To create and edit a filter

  1. On the Filters dialog, click New, then type the filter’s name in the box and click OK.

  2. On the <PIM Filter> (Filtername) dialog’s Conditions tab,   specify the conditions under which the filter operates.

    • Click the Field box and select an appropriate field from the drop-down list (for example, Subject).

    • In the Operator box, click the arrow and select the appropriate operator from the drop-down list (for example, Contains).

    • In the Value box, type the value that will be filtered (for example, Status).
      : If you have selected a Boolean operator, such as true or false, the Value field is not used.

    • Click Add to List to add this condition to the list of conditions that apply for this filter.

    • Repeat these bullets to add any other conditions that apply for this filter.

  3. When you are finished adding conditions, click the Rules tab.

  4. Click to specify whether All conditions must be met for this filter to apply or whether One or more conditions must be met for the filter to apply.

  5. On the Filters dialog, ensure that the Delete from device any data that doesn’t match the filter check box is selected in order to prevent duplicate records from occurring.

  6. Click OK when you are finished.

  7. To edit the filter you created, select it and click Edit. Make any changes to the filter’s conditions or rules and click OK when you are finished.

  8. To rename a filter, select the filter from the list and click Rename.

  9. Type the filter’s new name and click OK.


  • To create a dynamic filter that always uses the current date or time, click the Value button and select Now or Today.

  • To use a fixed Date value, type the date value using the mm/dd/yy format.

  • To use a fixed Time value, type the time value using the 24-hour time format. For example, enter 14:00 instead of 2:00 pm.

  • Use the is between operator to create conditions such as Last Name is between A and C. This operator is inclusive. In this example, last names that start with A, B, or C will be transferred.


Create and Edit Filters